A Journal of Exploits, Adventures, Opinions and Thoughts of Daily Life in Canada.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What in the World?

It seems we've come a long way in the last 50 years, but one has to wonder - In which direction are we going?   Backwards or forwards?

I try to stay immune to advertisements either while reading, or driving and listening to the radio and when watching TV. With reading it's easy - keep you eyes on the headlines you actually want to read and skip over any of the colourful, image-laden, logo-driven pages that fill large pockets of newspapers and magazines. Radio is quite simple too - stick with the stations that promote 45 minutes interruption free music usually does the trick, and then quick change as soon as the first advert surfaces.  TV has become the easiest of all with a PVR box that allows us to tape what we want and watch whatever, whenever we want sans the 6 minutes of tripe that looms every 10 to 15 minutes.

But I did catch one advert on radio the other day for "Heluva good" whatever - dips, etc- they obviously thought they were onto something because the word 'heluva' featured numerous occasions through the 30 second spot.....but who eats food with names like heluva good - I'm not kidding.

And while we're at it - what's a Slap Chop? - follow me to You Tube for an online demonstration -

And then there's a ShamWooHoo - Don't all rush out now!

First of all, not sure what's happened to our language skills over the last 50 years - probably too much television and computers, and not enough actual reading and writing. More importantly, it seems to me that salesmanship has gone to the dogs, although I suspect that dogs most likely have more discernment.  Or is it that we have become immune to the sublteties of discriminating taste and that you can only grab our attention with the pure basics.

Whatever it is, I don't think it bodes well for the future.

C'est la vie

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